Capie, Forrest H(unter)

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CAPIE, Forrest H(unter)

CAPIE, Forrest H(unter). Scottish, b. 1940. Genres: Money/Finance, Economics. Career: University of Warwick, Coventry, England, lecturer in economics, 1972-74; University of Leeds, England, lecturer in economic studies, 1974-79; City University, London, England, visiting lecturer, 1978-79, lecturer, 1979-82, senior lecturer, 1982-83, reader, 1983-86, professor of economic history, 1986-, head of Department of Banking and Finance, 1988-. University of Aix-Marseille, visiting professor, 1978-79; University of London, London School of Economics and Political Science, visiting professor, 1991-92; lecturer at universities around the world. Publications: (with M. Collins) The British Economy between the Wars, 1983; Depression and Protectionism: Britain between the Wars, 1983; (with A. Webber) A Monetary History of the United Kingdom, 1870-1982: Data Sources and Methods, 1985; (with M. Collins) Did the Banks Fail British Industry?, 1992; Commercial Policy in the Modern World Economy, 1994. EDITOR: (with G.E. Wood, and contrib.) Financial Crises and the World Banking System, 1986; (with G.E. Wood) Monetary Economics in the 1980s: Some Themes from Henry Thornton, 1989; A Directory of Economic Institutions, 1990; (with G.E. Wood, and co-author of intro) Unregulated Banking: Chaos or Order, 1991; (and contrib.) Major Inflations in History, 1991; (and contrib.) Protectionism in the World Economy, 1992; (with M. Bordo, and contrib.) Monetary Regimes in Transition, 1993; (and contrib.) A History of Banking, 10 vols., 1993. Co-editor of a series on monetary and financial history, 1988-; editor of a series on macroeconomic and financial history, 1989-94. Work represented in books. Contributor of articles and reviews to economic and finance journals. Address: Faculty of Finance, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ, England. Online address:

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