Caminals-Heath, Roser

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CAMINALS-HEATH, Roser. American (born Spain), b. 1956. Genres: Cartoons, Novels, Translations. Career: Private tutor in Barcelona, Spain, 1978-79; substitute teacher in Barcelona, 1979-81; Mount St. Mary's College, instructor, 1981; Hood College, Frederick, MD, instructor, 1981-86, assistant professor, 1986-92, associate professor of Spanish language and literature, 1992-97, professor of Spanish language and literature, 1997-.Publications: (Trans. And Author Of Intro.) Emilia Pardo BazáN, The House of Ulloa, 1992; Once Remembered, Twice Lived (novel), 1993; Les Herbes Secretes (novel), 1998; (co-trans. and author of intro.) Carme Riera: A Matter of Self-Esteem and Other Stories, 2001. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Hood College, 401 Rosemont Ave, Frederick, MD 21701, U.S.A. Online address: