Calvert, Peter (Anthony Richard)
CALVERT, Peter (Anthony Richard)
CALVERT, Peter (Anthony Richard). British, b. 1936. Genres: History, International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, teaching fellow, 1960-61; University of Southampton, professor of comparative and international politics, 1984-2002 (lecturer, 1964-71; sr. lecturer, 1971-74; reader, 1974-83). Publications: The Mexican Revolution 1910-1914, 1968; Latin America: Internal Conflict and International Peace, 1969: Revolution, 1970; A Study of Revolution, 1970; Mexico, 1973; The Mexicans: How They Live and Work, 1975; Emiliano Zapata, 1979; The Concept of Class, 1982; The Falklands Crisis, 1982; Politics, Power, and Revolution, 1983; Boundary Disputes in Latin America, 1983; Revolution and International Politics, 1984, rev. ed., 1996; Guatemalan Insurgency and American Security, 1984; Guatemala, a Nation in Turmoil, 1985; Britain's Place in the World, 1986; The Foreign Policy of New States, 1986; (with S. Calvert) Argentina: Political Culture and Instability, 1989; Revolution and Counterrevolution, 1990; (with S. Calvert) Latin America in the 20th Century, 1990, rev. ed., 1993; (with S. Calvert) Sociology Today, 1992; An Introduction to Comparative Politics, 1993; The International Politics of Latin America, 1994; (with S. Calvert) Politics and Society in the Third World, 1995, rev. ed., 2001; The Democratic Transition in Central America, 1998; (with S. Calvert) The South, the North and the Environment, 1999; Comparative Politics, 2002. EDITOR: The Process of Political Succession, 1987; The Central American Security System, 1988; Political and Economic Encyclopedia of South America and the Caribbean, 1991; (with P. Burnell) The Resilience of Democracy, 1999; (with P. Burnell) Civil Society in Democratization, 2004; Border and Territorial Disputes, 2004. Address: School of Social Sciences/Politics, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton S017 1BJ, England. Online address: