Butala, Sharon (Annette)

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BUTALA, Sharon (Annette)

BUTALA, Sharon (Annette). Canadian, b. 1940. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Environmental sciences/Ecology. Career: Educator, artist, and author. Teacher of English, then special education, in Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, and British Columbia, 1963-83; full-time writer, 1983-. Publications: NOVELS: Country of the Heart, 1984; The Gates of the Sun, 1986; Luna, 1988; Upstream, 1991; The Fourth Archangel, 1992; The Garden of Eden, 1998. SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS: Queen of the Headaches, 1985; Fever, 1990; Real Life, 2002. OTHER: Harvest, 1992; The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature, 1994; Coyote's Morning Cry: Meditations and Dreams from a Life in Nature, 1995; Wild Stone Heart, 2000; Old Man on His Back, 2002. Author of plays. Contributor to Canadian literary magazines and periodicals. Address: Box 428, Eastend, SK, Canada S0N 0T0. Online address: sharon.noble@sk.sympatico.ca

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Butala, Sharon (Annette)

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