Burr, David (Dwight)

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BURR, David (Dwight)

BURR, David (Dwight). American, b. 1934. Genres: History. Career: Educator, historian, and author. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 1966-, assistant professor to professor of history, 1977-2001, professor emeritus, 2001-. Publications: The Persecution of Peter Olivi, 1976; Eucharistic Presence and Conversion in Late Thirteenth-Century Franciscan Thought, 1984; Olivi and Franciscan Poverty: The Origins of the Usus Pauper Controversy, 1989; Petrus Ioannis Olivi's Quaestio de Usu Paupere and Tractatus de Usu Paupere, 1992; Olivi's Peaceable Kingdom: A Reading of the Apocalypse Commentary, 1993; Pierre de Jean Olieu: Franciscain Persécuté, 1997; The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century after Saint Francis, 2001. Contributor to books and journals. Address: Dept. of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061, U.S.A. Online address: olivi@atsvt.edu

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