Bungey, John Henry

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BUNGEY, John Henry

BUNGEY, John Henry. British, b. 1944. Genres: Engineering. Career: Scott, Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners, London, Assistant (under agreement), 1966-68; North West Rd. Construction Unit, Cheshire Sub-Unit, Assistant Engineer, 1969-71; University of Liverpool, Lecturer, 1971-81, Senior Lecturer, 1981-93, Reader, 1993-94, Professor in Civil Engineering, 1994-. Publications: (with W.H. Mosley) Reinforced Concrete Design, 1976, 4th ed., 1990; The Testing of Concrete in Structures, 1982. Address: Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Liverpool, Brownlow St, Liverpool L69 3GQ, England. Online address: bungey@liv.ac.uk

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