Bugos, Glenn E.

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BUGOS, Glenn E.

BUGOS, Glenn E. American, b. 1961. Genres: Air/Space topics. Career: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, faculty member, 1988-90; University of California, Berkeley, faculty member, 1990-91; Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin, Germany, faculty member, 1991-93; Prologue Group, Redwood City, CA, historian, 1993-. Publications: Engineering the F-4 Phantom II: Parts into Systems, 1996; Atmosphere of Freedom: Sixty Years at NASA Ames Research Center, 2000. Contributor to journals devoted to the history of science, technology, and business. Address: Prologue Group, 188 King St, Redwood City, CA 94062, U.S.A. Online address: glenn@prologuegroup.com; www.prologuegroup.com

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