Buehner, Caralyn M.

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BUEHNER, Caralyn M.

BUEHNER, Caralyn M. American, b. 1963. Genres: Picture/board books. Career: Writer. Publications: PICTURE BOOKS: The Escape of Marvin the Ape, 1992; A Job for Wittilda, 1993; It's a Spoon, Not a Shovel, 1995; Fanny's Dream, 1996; I Did It, I'm Sorry, 1998; I Want to Say I Love You, 2002; Snowmen at Night, 2002. Address: 2646 Alden St, Salt Lake City, UT 84106, U.S.A. Online address: m.buehner@attbi.com

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Buehner, Caralyn M.

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