Buckley, Francis Joseph

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BUCKLEY, Francis Joseph

BUCKLEY, Francis Joseph. American, b. 1928. Genres: Theology/Religion, Psychology, Sociology. Career: Professor of Dogmatic and Pastoral Theology, 1972-, University of San Francisco, California (Instructor, 1960-63; Assistant Professor, 1963-68; Chairman, Dept. of Theology, 1971-73, 1978-79; 1988-92; Director, Dept. of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministries, 1974-75, 1979-82, 1986-87, 1992-96). President, College Theology Society of the U.S. and Canada, 1972-74. Publications: Christ and the Church According to Gregory of Elvira, 1964; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) On Our Way (series), 1966-70; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) New Life (series), 1971-74; (with J. Hofinger) The Good News and Its Proclamation, 1968; (ed. with C. Miller) Faith and Life (series), 1971-72; Children and God: Communion, Confession, Confirmation, 1970, rev. ed., 1973; "I Confess"-The Sacrament of Penance Today, 1972; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) Jesus Forgives, 1974; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) Lord of Life (series), 1978-80; Reconciling, 1981; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) We Share Forgiveness, 1981; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) We Share Reconciliation, 1981; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes and T.H. Groome) God with Us (series), 1982-85; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) Fe y Cultura, 1985; Come Worship with Us, 1987; (with D.B. Sharp) Deepening Christian Life: Integrating Faith and Maturity, 1987; (with M. de la Cruz Aymes) Familia de Dios (series), 1990-96; Team Teaching: What, Why, How, 1999; Growing in the Church: From Birth to Death, 2000; The Church in Dialogue: Culture and Tradition, 2000. Address: University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94117, U.S.A. Online address: buckleyf@usfca.edu

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Buckley, Francis Joseph

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