Buchanan, Colin (Ogilvie)

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BUCHANAN, Colin (Ogilvie)

BUCHANAN, Colin (Ogilvie). British, b. 1934. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Assistant Curate, Cheadle Parish Church, Cheshire, 1961-64; Librarian, 1964-69, Registrar, 1969-74, Director of Studies, 1974-75, Vice Principal, 1975-78, and Principal, 1979-85, St. John's College, Bramcote, Notts; Bishop Suffragan of Aston, 1985-89; Diocese of Rochester, Hon. Asst. Bishop, 1989-96; Vicar, St. Marks, Gillingham, 1991-96; Bishop of Woolwich. Publications: New Communion Service-Reasons for Dissent, 1966; A Guide to the New Communion Service, 1966; A Guide to Second Series Communion Service, 1968; (with P.S. Dawes) Proportional Representation in Church Elections, 1969, as Election by Preference, 1970; Evangelical Structures for the Seventies, 1969; (co-author) Growing into Union, 1970; (co-author) Growing into Union and Six Methodist Leaders, 1970; The Clarified Scheme Examined, 1971; Baptismal Discipline, 1972; The Job Prospects of the Anglican Clergy, 1972; Patterns of Sunday Worship, 1972; Recent Liturgical Revision in the Church of England, 1973, Supplement for 1973-74, 1974, Supplement for 1974-76, 1976, Supplement for 1976-78, 1978; A Case for Infant Baptism, 1973; (with J.D. Pawson) Infant Baptism under Cross-Examination, 1974; Liturgy for Infant Baptism: Series 3, 1975; What Did Cranmer Think He Was Doing?, 1976; Inflation, Deployment and the Job Prospects of the Clergy, 1976; Encountering Charismatic Worship, 1977; The End of the Offertory, 1978; One Baptism Once, 1978; Liturgy for Initiation: The Series 3 Services, 1979; Liturgy for Communion: The Revised Series 3 Service, 1979; (comp.) The Development of the New Eucharistic Prayers of the Church of England, 1979; The Role and Calling of an Evangelical Theological College in the 1980's, 1980; Leading Worship, 1981; The Kiss of Peace, 1982; (with D. Wheaton) Liturgy for the Sick, 1983; ACIC and Lima on Baptism and Eucharist, 1983; The Christian Conscience and Justice in Representation, 1983; Latest Liturgical Revision in the Church of England 1978-1984, 1984; Evangelical Anglicans and Liturgy, 1984; Adult Baptisms, 1985; Anglican Eucharistic Liturgy 1975-1985, 1985; Anglican Confirmation, 1986; Policies for Infant Baptism, 1987; Anglicans and Worship in Local Ecumenical Projects, 1987; Lambeth and Liturgy 1988, 1989; Revising the ASB, 1989; Children in Communion, 1990; Open to Others, 1992; Infant Baptism in Church of England, 1992; The Heart of Sunday Worship, 1992; The Renewal of Baptismal Vows, 1993; Infant Baptism and the Gospel, 1993; Cut the Connection, 1994; The Lord's Prayer in the Church of England, 1995; (co) Six Eucharistic Prayers as Proposed in 1996, 1996; (co) The New Initiation Rites, 1998; Eucharistic Consecration, 1998; Is the Church of England Biblical?, 1998; (co) The Eucharistic Prayer of Order One, 2000; Services of Wholeness and Healing, 2000; Infant Baptism in Common Worship, 2001; Mission in South East London, 2002. EDITOR: Prospects for Reconciliation, 1967; Modern Anglican Liturgies 1958-68, 1968; Evangelical Essays on Church and Sacraments, 1972; Unity on the Ground, 1972; Further Anglican Liturgies 1968-1975, 1975; (jt.) Anglican Worship Today, 1980; Anglo-Catholic Worship, 1983; Eucharistic Liturgies of Edward VI, 1983; Background Documents to Liturgical Revision 1547-1549, 1983; Essays on Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Early Church, 1984; Latest Anglican Liturgies 1976-1984, 1985; Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches, 1985; Nurturing Children in Communion: Essays from the Boston Consultation, 1985; Bishop Hugh-With Affection, 1987; Modern Anglican Ordination Rites, 1987; The Bishop in Liturgy, 1988; Michael Vasey-Liturgist and Friend, 1999; (jt. consulting) Common Worship Today, 2001; The Savoy Conference Revisited, 2002. Address: Bishop's Office, 37 South Rd, Forest Hill, London SE23 2UJ, England. Online address: bishop.colin@dswark.org.uk

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Buchanan, Colin (Ogilvie)

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