Brush, Kathleen (E.)

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BRUSH, Kathleen (E.)

BRUSH, Kathleen (E.). American, b. 1956. Genres: Administration/Management. Career: Siemens, Boca Raton, FL, computer analyst, 1979-85; Boole & Babbage, Sunnyvale, CA, marketing management, 1985-91; Intek Management, Cape Canaveral, FL, consultant, 1992-. Publications: (with W. Davies) High Tech Industry Marketing: The Elements of a Sophisticated Global Strategy, 1997; (with W. Davies) Managing Product Development in the High-Tech Industry, 1997; (with W. Davies and S. Dill) Managing Unsatisfactory Employee Performance, 1997; Export Management, 1999; High-Tech Strategies in the Internet Era, 2000. Address: 612 Jefferson Avenue, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920, U.S.A. Online address:

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