Brostoff, Anita

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BROSTOFF, Anita. American, b. 1931. Genres: Writing/Journalism. Career: Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, assistant professor of English, 1972-75, assistant professor at Communication Skills Center, 1975-81; Brostoff Associates (communications consultants), Pittsburgh, PA, principal, 1981-94; writer, 1994-. University of Pittsburgh, lecturer and consultant to Graduate School of Business, 1983-86; Carnegie-Mellon University, instructor at Academy for Lifelong Learning, 1999-. Carnegie Museum of Art, docent, 1995-. Publications: Thinking through Writing, 1981. EDITOR: I Could Be Mute: The Life and Work of Gladys Schmitt, 1978; (with S. Chamovitz) Flares of Memory: Stories of Childhood during the Holocaust, 2001. Address: 1215 Murray Hill Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15217, U.S.A. Online address: