Braxton, Joanne M(argaret)

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BRAXTON, Joanne M(argaret)

BRAXTON, Joanne M(argaret). (Jodi). American, b. 1950. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Society of Fellows, 1976-79; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, assistant professor, 1980-86, associate professor, 1986-89, Frances L. and Edwin L. Cummings Professor of American Studies and English, and professor of English, 1989-. Publications: (as Jodi Braxton) Sometimes I Think of Maryland, 1977; Black Women Writing Autobiography: A Tradition within a Tradition, 1989; (ed. with A.N. McLaughlin) Wild Women in the Whirlwind: Afra-American Culture and the Contemporary Literary Renaissance (anthology), 1990; (ed.) The Collected Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar, 1993; My Magic Pours Secret Libations, 1996. Contributor of essays to books and poetry to anthologies. Address: Department of English, College of William and Mary, Tucker Hall, Williamsburg, VA 23187, U.S.A. Online address:;

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