Boskin, Joseph

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BOSKIN, Joseph

BOSKIN, Joseph. American, b. 1929. Genres: History, Race relations, Social commentary, Humor/Satire. Career: Faculty member, State University of Iowa, 1959-60, and University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1960-69; Professor of History and Afro-American Studies, and Director of Urban Studies and Public Policy Program, Boston University, MA, 1969-, now Emeritus. Member of advisory councils and task forces. Publications: (with F. Krinsky) The Oppenheimer Affair: A Political Play in Three Acts, 1968; Urban Racial Violence in the 20th Century, 1969; (with R.R. Rosenstone) Seasons of Rebellion: Protest and Radicalism in Recent America, 1971; Into Slavery: Racial Decisions in the Virginia Colony, 1976; Issues in American Society, 1978; Humor and Social Change in 20th Century America, 1979; Sambo: The Rise & Demise of an American Jester, 1986; Rebellious Laughter: People's Humor in American Culture, 1997. EDITOR: Opposition Politics: The Anti-New Deal Tradition, 1968; The Humor Prism in 20th Century America. Address: Dept of History, Boston University, 226 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A. Online address:

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