Boraine, Alex(ander)

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BORAINE, Alex(ander)

BORAINE, Alex(ander). American. Genres: International relations/Current affairs. Career: Ordained Methodist minister, 1956; Methodist Church of South Africa, elected president, 1970; Parliament of South Africa, member for Progressive Party, 1974-86; Institute for a Democratic Alternative in South Africa, co-founder, 1986; Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa, vice chair, 1996-98; University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, visiting professor, 1998; New York University, New York, NY, professor of law (dignitary in permanent residence), 1999-; International Center for Transitional Justice, New York, NY, director, 2001-. Former chair, Progressive Party Federal Council. Publications: (with P.H. Baker and W. Krafchik) South Africa and the World Economy in the 1990s, 1993; A Country Unmasked: Inside South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 2000. EDITOR: (with J. Levy and R. Scheffer) Dealing with the Past: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa, 1994; (with J. Levy) The Healing of a Nation?, 1995. Address: International Center for Transitional Justice, 20 Exchange Place, New York, NY 10005, U.S.A. Online address: