Bolles, Edmund Blair
BOLLES, Edmund Blair
BOLLES, Edmund Blair. American, b. 1942. Genres: Language/Linguistics, Natural history, Psychology. Career: Member, U.S. Peace Corps, Kidodi, Tanzania, 1966-68; Editor, FrameWords: A Newsletter about Political Rhetoric, 1991-92. Publications: (with P. Rosenthal) Readings in Psychology 1973/74 (college text), 1973; (with J. Sommer and J.F. Hoy) The Language Experience (essays), 1974; (with R. Fisher) Fodor's Old West (travel guide), 1976; (ed. with J. Fireman) Cat Catalog (essays), 1976; (with J. Fireman) TV book (essays), 1977; Animal Parks of Africa, 1978; The Beauty of America, 1979; So Much to Say! A Parent's Guide to Baby Talk from Birth to Five, 1982; The Penguin Adoption Handbook, 1984; Who Owns America?, 1984, rev. ed., 1993; (with D. Papalia) A Child's World (coll. text), 4th ed., 1987; Remembering and Forgetting, 1988; Learning to Live with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1990; Relief from Chronic Backache, 1990; When Acting Out Isn't Acting, 1988; A Second Way of Knowing: The Riddle of Human Perception, 1991; (ed.) Galileo's Commandment: An Anthology of Great Science Writing, 1997; The Ice Finders: How a Poet, a Professor, and a Politician Discovered the Ice Age, 1999; Einstein Defiant: Genius versus Genius in the Quantum Revolution, 2004. Address: 414 Amsterdam Ave Apt 4N, New York, NY 10024, U.S.A. Online address: