Boehmer, Elleke

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BOEHMER, Elleke. British (born Republic of South Africa), b. 1961. Genres: Novels, Humanities. Career: Literary critic specializing in postcolonial fiction, and novelist. Publications: NOVELS: Screens against the Sky, 1990; An Immaculate Figure, 1993; Bloodlines, 2000. NONFICTION: Colonial and Postcolonial Literature: Migrant Metaphors, 1995; Empire, the National and the Postcolonial (monograph), 2002. EDITOR: (with L. Chris-man and K. Parker) Altered State?: Writing and South Africa, 1994; Empire Writing: An Anthology, 1998; Scouting for Boys, 2004; C. Sorabji, India Calling, 2004. Address: c/o Oxford University Press, Walton St, Oxford OX2 6DP, England. Online address:

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