Bloodsport 2: The Next Kumite

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Bloodsport 2: The Next Kumite ★½ 1995 (R)

Old-fashioned kickfest has Alex (Bernhardt) stealing antiquities in Thailand. He's left to take the fall by his partner in the theft of an ancient sword belonging to powerful businessman Leung (Morita) and is sent to a prison where sadistic head guard Demon (Han) takes an instant dislike to him. Alex learns about a sacred fighting competition, the Kumite, from wise prison sage Sun (Hong) and naturally, once Alex manages to get into the contest, his opponent is—you guessed it—Demon. 87m/C VHS . Daniel Bernhardt, Ong Soo Han, Noriyuki “Pat” Morita, James Hong; D: Alan Mehrez.

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