Blechman, Elaine A(nn)
BLECHMAN, Elaine A(nn).
BLECHMAN, Elaine A(nn). American, b. 1943. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: Brentwood Veterans Administration Hospital, Brentwood, CA, intern in clinical psychology, 1969-71; University of Maryland at College Park, assistant professor of psychology, 1971-73; Yale University, New Haven, CT, assistant professor of psychiatry, 1973-77; Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, research associate professor, 1977-83, research professor, 1983-84; Yeshiva University, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, professor of psychiatry, 1984-89; NYC Department of Health, NYC, senior research scientist, 1990; University of Colorado at Boulder, professor of psychology, 1990-. State University of New York Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn, professor, 1990. National Institute of Mental Health, member of Family Research Consortium, 1982-90. Publications: Solving Child Behavior Problems: At Home and at School, 1985; Prosocial Family Therapy for Juvenile Offenders: A Practitioner's Guidebook, in press; Schools and Families Together: Cost-Effective Interventions for High-Risk Youth, in press. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Behavior Modification with Women, 1984; (with K.D. Brownell) Handbook of Behavioral Medicine for Women, 1988; Emotions and the Family: For Better or for Worse, 1990; (with E.M. Hetherington) Stress, Coping, and Resiliency in Children and Families, 1996; (with Brownell) Behavioral Medicine for Women: A Comprehensive Handbook, 1998. Contributor to books and professional journals. Address: Department of Psychology, Campus Box 345, Muenzinger Psychology Bldg., University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, U.S.A. Online address: