The Blackout

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The Blackout ★ 1997 (R)

Movie star Matty (Modine) has multiple addictions he indulges on a trip home to Miami. He proposes to pregnant girlfriend Annie (Dalle) but when he learns she's had an abortion, Matty goes on a binge and suffers a blackout. 18 months later in New York, Matty has kicked his addictions and found Susan (Schiffer) but his nightmares compel him back to Miami and the possibility that he committed murder. Sleazy and the symbolism is heavy-handed. 100m/C VHS, DVD . Matthew Modine, Beatrice Dalle, Claudia Schiffer, Dennis Hopper, Sarah Las-sez; D: Abel Ferrara; W: Abel Ferrara, Chris Zois, Marla Hanson; C: Ken Kelsch; M: Joe Delia.

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