Blackburn, Fred M(onroe)

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BLACKBURN, Fred M(onroe)

BLACKBURN, Fred M(onroe). American, b. 1950. Genres: Archaeology/Antiquities, History, Travel/Exploration. Career: Bureau of Land Management, Monticello, UT, ranger to chief ranger, 1974-79; Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, CO, interpretive guide, 1979-81; self-employed interpreter, educator, guide, and researcher, 1981-. Cortez Historic Board, member, 1998; consultant to private and public schools. Publications: The Hiker's Guide to Utah, 1982; (with R. Williamson) An Approach to Vandalism of Archaeological Resources, 1990; (with V. Atkins) Handwriting on the Wall, 1993; (with Williamson) Cowboys and Cave Dwellers, 1997; Inscription History and Discover of Balcony House. Address: 104 E Carpenter, Cortez, CO 81321, U.S.A. Online address:

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