Bittner, Rosanne

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BITTNER, Rosanne

BITTNER, Rosanne. American, b. 1945. Genres: Romance/Historical, Novellas/Short stories. Career: Worked as a secretary; full-time writer, 1984-. Publications: ROMANCE NOVELS: Savage Horizons, 1987; Frontier Fires, 1987; Destiny's Dawn, 1987; Tennessee Bride, 1988; Texas Bride, 1988; This Time Forever, 1989; Oregon Bride, 1990; Love Me Tomorrow, 1998; Texas Passions, 1999. HISTORICAL ROMANCES, SAVAGE DESTINY SERIES: Sweet Prairie Passion, 1983; Ride the Free Wind, 1984; River of Love, 1984; Embrace the Wild Land, 1984; Climb the Highest Mountain, 1985; Meet the New Dawn, 1986; Eagle's Song, 1996. OTHER HISTORICAL ROMANCES: Arizona Bride, 1985; Lawless Love, 1985; Rapture's Gold, 1986; Prairie Embrace, 1987; Heart's Surrender, 1988; Ecstasy's Chains, 1989; Arizona Ecstasy, 1989; Sweet Mountain Magic, 1990; Sioux Splendor, 1990; Comanche Sunset, 1991; Caress, 1992; Shameless, 1993; Unforgettable, 1994; Full Circle, 1994; Until Tomorrow, 1995; Texas Embrace, 1997; Mystic Dreamers, 1999. HISTORICAL SAGAS: Montana Woman, 1990; Embers of the Heart, 1990; In the Shadow of the Mountains, 1991; Song of the Wolf, 1992; Outlaw Hearts, 1993; Tender Betrayal, 1993; Wildest Dreams, 1994; Thunder on the Plains, 1992; The Forever Tree, 1995; Chase the Sun, 1995; Tame the Wild Wind, 1996. ANTHOLOGIES: Cherished Moments, 1994; Love by Chocolate, 1997; Cherished Love, 1997. Address: PO Box 1044, Coloma, MI 49038, U.S.A. Online address:;

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