Bissell, LeClair

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BISSELL, LeClair. American, b. 1928. Genres: Gay and lesbian issues, Sciences, Sociology. Career: New York Public Library, NYC, circulation librarian and branch librarian, 1952-59; Roosevelt Hospital, NYC, intern to resident in medicine, 1963-66, fellow in endocrinology and metabolism, 1966-68, coordinator and chief of Smithers Alcoholism Treatment and Training Center, 1968-79; Edgehill-Newport, Inc., Newport, RI, president and chief executive officer, 1979-81; researcher, writer, and consultant, 1981-. Member of permanent advisory commissions, task forces, advisory councils. Guest on radio and television programs. Publications: (with R. Watherwax) The Cat Who Drank Too Much, 1982, 2nd ed., 1994; (with P.W. Haberman) Alcoholism in the Professions, 1984; (with J.E. Royce) Ethics for Addiction Professionals, 1987, 2nd ed., 1994; (with E.J. Sullivan and E. Williams) Chemical Dependency in Nursing: The Deadly Diversion, 1988; (with L. Crosby) To Care Enough: Intervention with Chemically Dependent Colleagues, 1989. Address: 1932 Woodring Rd, Sanibel, FL 33957-3433, U.S.A. Online address: