Birkerts, Sven

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BIRKERTS, Sven. American, b. 1951. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: Literary critic. Bookstore clerk in Ann Arbor, MI, and Cambridge, 1973-83; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, lecturer in expository writing, 1984-91; Bennington Writing Seminars, member core faculty, 1995-; Mt. Holyoke College, lecturer, 1996-. Contributing editor of Boston Review, 1988-, and Agni Review, 1988-. Regular contributor to New Republic and Mirabella. Publications: An Artificial Wilderness: Essays on Twentieth-Century Literature, 1987; The Electric Life: Essays on Modern Poetry, 1989; (with D. Hall) Writing Well, 7th ed., 1991; American Energies: Essays on Fiction, 1992; The Longwood Introduction to Fiction, 1992; Literature: The Evolving Canon, 1993; The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age, 1994; (ed.) Tolstoy's Dictaphone: Technology and the Muse, 1996; Readings, 1999; My Sky Blue Trades, 2002. Address: 67 Dothan St, Arlington, MA 02474, U.S.A. Online address:

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