Billson, Janet Mancini

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BILLSON, Janet Mancini

BILLSON, Janet Mancini. American (born Canada), b. 1941. Genres: Poetry, Sociology, Urban studies, Women's studies and issues. Career: Rhode Island College, Providence, professor of sociology and women's studies, 1973-91, acting associate dean of students and director of student life, 1984, assistant dean of faculty of arts and sciences, 198486; American Sociological Association, Washington, DC, assistant executive officer and director of the academic and professional affairs program, 1991-95; George Washington University, Washington, DC, adjunct professor of sociology and women's studies, 1993-95, professor of sociology, 1995-97 adjunct professor of sociology, 1998-. Director of Group Dimensions Research, Barrington, RI. Publications: Strategic Styles: Coping in the Inner City, 1980; (with R. Majors) Cool Pose: Dilemmas of Black Manhood in America, 1992; Keepers of the Culture: The Power of Tradition in Women's Lives, 1995; Pathways to Manhood: Young Black Males Struggle for Identity, 1996; The Power of Focus Groups for Social Policy and Research, 2000; (with K.M. Ries) Their Powerful Spirit: Inuit Women, a Century of Change, 2001. Work represented in anthologies. Address: 300 Narragansett Ave, Barrington, RI 02806-1338, U.S.A. Online address:

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