Bicerano, Jozef

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BICERANO, Jozef. American (born Turkey), b. 1952. Genres: Chemistry, Engineering. Career: University of California, Berkeley, postdoctoral researcher, 1981-82; Energy Conversion Devices Inc., Troy, MI, researcher, 1982-86; Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, researcher, 1986-. Publications: Prediction of Polymer Properties, 1993, 3rd ed., 2002. EDITOR: (with D. Adler) Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of the Structures of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1985; Computational Modeling of Polymers, 1992. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: Dow Chemical Co., 1702 Building, Midland, MI 48674, U.S.A. Online address:

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