Bergstrom, Elaine

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BERGSTROM, Elaine. Also writes as Marie Kiraly. American, b. 1946. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Romance/Historical. Career: Novelist. WOS teacher. Publications: NOVELS: Shattered Glass, 1989; Blood Alone, 1990; Blood Rites, 1991; Daughter of the Night, 1992; Tapestry of Dark Souls, 1993; Baroness of Blood, 1995. NOVELS AS MARIE KIRALY: Mina, 1994; Leanna, 1996; Madeline, 1997; The Door through Washington Square, 1998; Blood to Blood, 1999; Nocturne, 2003. Work represented in anthologies. Address: 2918 S Wentworth Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207, U.S.A. Online address:

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