Berger, Stefan

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BERGER, Stefan

BERGER, Stefan. German, b. 1964. Genres: History, Organized labor, Politics/Government. Career: University of Plymouth, England, lecturer in British social history, 1990-91; University of Wales, Cardiff, senior lecturer in European studies, 1991-2000; University of Glamorgan, professor of history, 2000-. Publications: The British Labour Party and the German SPD, 1994; The Force of Labour, 1995; The Search for Normality, National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Germany since 1800, 1997; Labour, Nationalism and Ethnicity 1820-1939, 1999; Writing National Histories, 1999; Social Democracy and the Working Class in 19th & 20th Century Germany, 2000; Policy Concentration and Social Partnership in Western Europe: Lessons for the 21st Century, 2002; Labour and Social History in Great Britain, 2002; Historikerdialoge: Geschichte, Mythos und Gedachtnis im deutsch-britischen kulturellen Austausch 1750-2000, 2003; Writing History: Theory and Practice, 2003. Contributor to journals and newspapers. Address: Dept of History, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales. On-line address:

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