Bennett, Clinton

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BENNETT, Clinton

BENNETT, Clinton. British, b. 1955. Genres: Theology/Religion, Education. Career: Ordained Baptist minister, 1978; Government of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, clerical officer, 1972-74; Baptist Missionary Society, Bangladesh, missionary, 1979-83; Birmingham Ethnic Education and Advisory Service, Birmingham, England, tutor, 1983-86; British Council of Churches, London, England, executive secretary, 1987-92; Westminster College, Oxford, England, senior lecturer, 1992-. Publications: Victorian Images of Islam, 1992; In Search of the Sacred, 1996; (with C. Higgins and L. Foreman-Peck) Researching Teaching Methods in Colleges and Universities, 1996; Muhammad: An Interpretive Study, 1997. Address: c/o Birchfield Community School, Trinity Rd., B6, Birmingham B6 1BE, England. Online address:

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