Bellos, David

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BELLOS, David. British, b. 1945. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, lecturer in French, 1972-82; University of Southampton, England, professor of French, 1982-85; University of Manchester, Lancashire, England, professor of French, 1986-96; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, professor of French and comparative literature, 1997-. Publications: TRANSLATOR: (and ed.) L. Spitzer, Essays on Seventeenth-Century French Literature, 1983; G. Perec, Winter Journey, 1985; Perec, Life: A User's Manual, 1987; Perec, W: Or the Memory of Childhood, 1988; Perec, Things: A Story of the Sixties, 1990; Perec, "53 Days," 1992; Kadare, The Pyramid, 1996; Kadare, The File on H, 1996; Kadare, Spring Flowers, Spring Frost, 2002. MONOGRAPHS: Honore de Balzac, La Cousine Bette, 1980; Balzac, Old Goriot, 1987. OTHER: Balzac Criticism in France, 1976; Georges Perec: A Life in Words (biography), 1993; Jacques Tati: His Life and Art (biography), 1999. Address: Department of French and Italian, 330 E Pyne, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-5264, U.S.A. Online address: