Bear Ye One Another's Burden…

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Bear Ye One Another's Burden… ★★ Einer Trage des Anderen Last 1988

In the early 50s, communist police officer Josef Heilinger (Pose) is sent to a private sanitorium for consumptives. He's forced to share a room with a young Protestant curate, Hubertus Koschenz (Mock). Their ill health is the only thing they have in common, and they deliberately seem to annoy each other, but soon their situation has them grudgingly developing a mutual respect and even friendship. German with subtitles. 118m/C VHS . GE Jorg Pose, Manfred Mock, Susanne Luning, Dieter Knaup; D: Lothar Warneke; C: Peter Ziesche; M: Gunther Fischer.

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