Bartek, Edward J.

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BARTEK, Edward J.

BARTEK, Edward J. American, b. 1921. Genres: Philosophy, Psychology. Career: Instructor of Philosophy and Psychology, Manchester, Middlesex, and Tunxis Community Colleges, Connecticut; lectr. at colls. Instructor in Philosophy, University of Connecticut Experimental College, Storrs, and Instructor in Labor Union Philosophy, University of Connecticut Extension Service. Publications: Treasury of Parables (philosophy), 1959; To Relax Tensions, 1965; Truth and Wisdom I, II, III, IV (philosophical-poetry), 1965; The Mind of Future Man 1965; The Ultimate Philosophy-Trinityism, 1968; Unifying Principles of the Mind, 1969; Trinitarian Philosophical Psychology, vol. I, 1973, vol. II, 1978; The Philosophy of Trinityism, vol. I, 1973, vol. II, 1975; Ultimate Principles in Theology, 1983; G.U.T. Pending, 1984; Ultimate Principles, I, II, III, 1987; Truth and Wisdom Poems I, II, III, IV, 1988; Trinitarian Philosophy of History, 1988; Dream-Analysis for Self-Analysis, 1988; Universal Trinitarian Ethics, 1988; Trintityism Applied I, II, III, 1988; Trinitarian Philosophy, 1988. Address: 68 Walnut St, East Hartford, CT 06108, U.S.A. Online address:

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