Barks, Coleman Bryan

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BARKS, Coleman Bryan

BARKS, Coleman Bryan. American, b. 1937. Genres: Poetry, Translations. Career: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, instructor of English, 1965-67; University of Georgia, Athens, assistant professor, 1967-72, associate professor, 1972-78, professor emeritus of English, 1978-97. Publications: The Juice, 1972; New Words, 1976; We're Laughing at the Damage, 1977; Gourd Seed (poetry), 1993; Xenia (poetry), 1994; Tentmaking (poetry), 2001; Club (poetry), 2001. TRANSLATOR: (with R. Bly) Night and Sleep, Versions of Rumi, 1981; (with J. Moyne) Open Secret, by Rumi, 1984; (with J. Moyne) Unseen Rain, by Rumi, 1986; (with J. Moyne) We Are Three, by Rumi, 1987; (with J. Moyne) These Branching Moments, by Rumi, 1988; (with J. Moyne) This Longing, by Rumi, 1988; Delicious Laughter, by Rumi, 1990; Like This, by Rumi, 1990; One-Handed Basket Weaving, by Rumi, 1991; Naked Song, by Lalla, 1992; Stallion on a Frozen Lake, by Sixth Dalai Lama, 1992; Birdsong, by Rumi, 1993; The Hand of Poetry, selection from Rumi, Sanai, Attar, Saadi, and Hatiz, 1993; Say I Am You, by Rumi, 1994; The Essential Rumi, by Rumi, 1995; The Illuminated Rumi, by Rumi, 1997; The Glance, by Rumi, 1999; The Soul of Rumi, 2001; The Book of Love, by Rumi, 2002; The Drowned Book, by Tumi's father, Bahavddin, 2004. Address: 196 Westview Dr, Athens, GA 30606, U.S.A. Online address:

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