Barbato, Joseph

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BARBATO, Joseph. American, b. 1944. Genres: Adult non-fiction, Environmental sciences/Ecology, How-to books, Writing/Journalism. Career: New York University, NYC, news writer and editor, 1964-68, alumni communications director, 1969-74, senior development writer, 1976-78; Shell Oil Co., staff writer, 1968-69; City University of New York, NYC, public information director and manager of media relations office at LaGuardia Community College, 1974-76, adjunct lecturer in journalism; independent consultant to nonprofit institutions, 1978-90; Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, director of development communications and special editorial project leader for Book Publishing Group, 1990-99; Barbato Associates, president, 1999-. Publishers Weekly, contributing editor. Publications: (with A. Luks) You Are What You Drink: The Authoritative Report on What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Mind, and Longevity, 1989; (with F. Gurlich) Writing for a Good Cause, 2000. EDITOR/CO-EDITOR: How Your Mind Affects Your Health, 1990; Patchwork of Dreams: Voices from the Heart of the New America, 1994; Heart of the Land: Essays on the Last Great Places, 1995; Off the Beaten Path, 1998. Contributor to magazines and newspapers. Address: Barbato Associates, 5420 Gary Pl, Alexandria, VA 22311, U.S.A. On-line address:

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