Banisadr, Abol-Hassan
BANISADR, Abol-Hassan
BANISADR, Abol-Hassan. Iranian, b. 1933. Genres: Politics/Government, International relations/Current affairs. Career: Member of Iranian anti-Shah movement, 1953; wounded by police and served prison term for demonstrating against Shah's government, 1963; lived in exile, Paris, France, 1963-79; returned to Iran after revolution, 1978; Republic of Iran, acting minister of Foreign Affairs, 1979, Minister of Economy and Foreign Affairs, 1979-80, president, 1980-81. Central Bank of Iran, member of supervisory board, 1979; Constituent Assembly, member, beginning in 1979; Revolutionary Council, member of supervisory board, 1979-80, president, 1980-81. Founder of Mossadegh, Modaress, and 15 Khordad publishing houses. Publications: (with P. Vieille) Petrole et violence: Terreur blanche et resistance en Iran (title means: Oil and Violence: White Terror and Resistance in Iran), 1974; Quelle revolution pour l'Iran, 1980; (trans.) Mohammad R. Ghanoonparvar, The Fundamental Principles and Precepts of Islamic Government, c. 1981; L'esperance trahie, c. 1982; Bani Sadr racconta l'Iran, 1984; Le complot des ayatollahs, 1989, translation published as My Turn to Speak: Iran, the Revolution and Secret Deals with the United States, 1991; Usul-i hakem bar qazavat-i Islami: va Huquq-i bashar dar Islam, c. 1989; Le coran et le pouvoir, 1993. Author of articles and books about politics and Islamic law. Bani-Sadr's writings have been translated into Arabic, German, Serbian, and Italian. Address: 5 rue du General Pershing, 78000 Versailles, France. On-line address: