Balakrishnan, N.
BALAKRISHNAN, N. Canadian (born India), b. 1956. Genres: Mathematics/Statistics. Career: University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, visiting faculty member, 1984-85; McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, research fellow, 1985-86, assistant professor, 1986-89, associate professor, 1989-95, professor of mathematics and statistics, 1995-. Statpro Consulting, sole proprietor. Publications: (with B.C. Arnold) Relations, Bounds, and Approximations for Order Statistics, 1989; (with A.C. Cohen) Order Statistics and Inference: Estimation Methods, 1991; (with B.C. Arnold and H.N. Nagaraja) A First Course in Order Statistics, 1992; (with N.L. Johnson and S. Kotz) Continuous Univariate Distributions, Vol 1, 1994, Vol. 2, 1995; (with H.L. Harter) The CRC Handbook of Tables for the Use of Order Statistics in Estimation, 1996; The CRC Tables for the Use of Order Statistics in Tests of Hypotheses, 1997; (with Harter) The CRC Handbook of Tables for the Use of Range, 1997; (with Johnson and Kotz) Discrete Multivariate Distributions, 1997; (with W.W.S. Chen) CRC Handbook of Tables for Order Statistics from Inverse Gaussian Distributions with Applications, 1997. EDITOR: Handbook of the Logistic Distribution, 1992; Recent Advances in Life-Testing and Reliability, 1995; CRC Handbook of Applied Industrial Statistics, 1996; The Exponential Distribution: Theory, Methods and Applications, 1996; (with N.L. Johnson) Advances in the Theory and Practice of Statistics, 1997; Advances in Combinatorial Methods and Applications to Probability and Statistics, 1997. Address: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4K1. Online address: