Bahr, Robert
BAHR, Robert
BAHR, Robert. Also writes as Dr. Harold Litten. American, b. 1940. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Adult non-fiction, Gay and lesbian issues, Medicine/Health, Psychology, Sex, Writing/Journalism, Biography. Career: Managing Ed. of Health Bulletin, 1965-67, Sr. Ed. of Prevention mag., 1967-69, Managing Ed. of Fitness For Living, 1969-71, and Director of Educational Services Division, 1971-72, Rodale Press., Emmaus, Pa. Publications: Man with a Vision (biography), 1961; Natural Way to a Healthy Skin, 1972; Physical Fitness in Business and Industry, 1973; The Virility Factor, 1976; Least of All Saints, 1979; The Blizzard, 1980; Blizzard at the Zoo, 1982; Kreskin's Fun Way to Mind Expansion, 1984; Good Hands, 1984; (with P. Whybrow) The Hibernation Response, 1988; The Joy of Solo Sex, 1990; Indecent Exposures (short stories), 1993; More Joy of Solo Sex, 1996; Harold Litten's Best Erotic Fantasies, 1998; Dramatic Technique in Fiction, 1998. Address: 5204 Dove Point Ln, Salisbury, MD 21801, U.S.A. Online address: