Bagdikian, Ben Haig

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BAGDIKIAN, Ben Haig. American (born Turkey), b. 1920. Genres: Communications/Media, Criminology/True Crime, Politics/Government, Race relations, Sociology, Writing/Journalism, Autobiography/Memoirs, Documentaries/Reportage. Career: Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley, 1990- (Professor, 1977-90; Dean, 1985-88). Chief Washington Correspondent, The Providence Journal, Rhode Island, 1947-61; Contributor Ed., Saturday Evening Post, 1963-67; Assistant Managing Ed., for National News, Washington Post, 1970-72. Publications: (ed.) Man's Contracting World in an Expanding Universe, 1960; In the Midst of Plenty: The Poor in America, 1964; The Information Machines, 1970; The Shame of the Prisons, 1972; The Effete Conspiracy and Other Crimes by the Press, 1972; Caged, 1976; Bagdikian on Political Reporting, Newspaper Economics, Law, and Ethics, 1977; The Media Monopoly, 1983, 7th ed. as The New Media Monopoly, 2004; Double Vision, 1995. Address: 25 Stonewall Rd, Berkeley, CA 94705, U.S.A. Online address:

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