Baerwald, Hans H.

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BAERWALD, Hans H. American (born Japan), b. 1927. Genres: Politics/Government. Career: Professor Emeritus of Political Science, 1991-, and Professor of Political Science, University of California at Los Angeles, 1969-91 (Lecturer, 1962-65; Associate Professor, 1965-69). Assistant Professor, 1956-61, and Associate Professor of Government, 1961-62, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Publications: The Purge of Japanese Leaders Under the Occupation, 1959, 1977; (with P.H. Odegard) American Government: Structure, Problems, Policies, 1962; (with D.N. Jacobs) Chinese Communism: Selected Documents, 1963; (with Odegard) The American Republic, Its Government and Politics, 1964, rev. ed. with W. Havard, 1969; Japan's Parliament: An Introduction, 1974; Party Politics in Japan, 1986. Address: 2221 Barnett Road, St. Helena, CA 94574, U.S.A. Online address:

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