Bacon, Donald C(onrad)
BACON, Donald C(onrad)
BACON, Donald C(onrad). American, b. 1935. Genres: History, Politics/Government, Biography. Career: Wall Street Journal, NYC, staff writer, 1957-61; Washington Star, Washington, DC, staff writer, 1962-63; Newhouse News Service, Washington, DC, congressional correspondent to White House correspondent, senior correspondent, and columnist, 1962-75; U.S. News and World Report, Washington, DC, associate editor, 1975-79, senior editor, 1979-81, assistant managing editor, 1981-88; senior editor of Nation's Business, 1988-89; Encyclopedia of the U.S. Congress, Washington, DC, project director and co-editor, 1989-. Publications: The New Millionaires, 1961; Congress and You, 1969; (with D.B. Hardeman) Rayburn: A Biography, 1987; (co-ed) Encyclopedia of the US Congress, 1995. Address: 3809 East-West Highway, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-5918, U.S.A. Online address: