Auer, James M(atthew)
AUER, James M(atthew)
AUER, James M(atthew). American, b. 1928. Genres: Plays/Screenplays. Career: George Banta Co., Menasha, WI, accounting clerk, 1950-51; Twin City News-Record, Neenah, WI, reporter, 1953-56, assistant to the editor, 1957-60, news editor, 1960-61; Appleton Post Crescent, Appleton, WI, assistant Sunday editor, 1960-65, Sunday editor, 1965-72; Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, WI, art critic and feature writer, 1972-. Attic Theatre, Inc., presiding officer, 1959-62; Friends of Bergstrom Art Center, president, 1967-68; Ego Productions and Studio Door Artfilms, owner and president, 1983-; member of Neenah Municipal Museum Foundation, Inc. Publications: The Spirit Is Willing, 1960; The City of Light (play), 1961; Tell It to Angela (play), 1971; has also written screenplays. Address: 1849 N 72nd St, Milwaukee, WI 53213, U.S.A. Online address: