Aruri, Naseer H.
ARURI, Naseer H.
ARURI, Naseer H. American (born Palestine), b. 1934. Genres: Area studies, International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: Texas Technological (now Texas Tech) University, Lubbock, instructor in political science, 1962-63; Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, MA, instructor in political science, 1964-65; University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, instructor, 1965-66, assistant professor, 1966-68, associate professor, 1968-73, professor, 1973-96, Chancellor Professor of Political Science, 1996-. University of Kuwait, visiting professor, 1973-74; lecturer at colleges and universities; guest on television and radio programs in the US and abroad. Publications: The Palestine Resistance to Israel's Occupation, 1970; (with E. Ghareeb) Enemy of the Sun: Poems of Palestinian Resistance, 1970; Jordan: A Study in Political Development, 1921-1965, 1972; (trans. into Arabic, with A. Tarabein) V. Brodine and M. Seldon, Open Secret: The Nixon-Kissinger Doctrine in Asia, 1974; (ed.) Middle East Crucible: The Arab-Israeli Confrontation of October, 1973, 1975; (co-ed. and contrib.) Lebanon: A Challenge to the Arab World, 1977; (with F. Moughrabi and J. Strok) Regan and the Middle East, 1983; Occupation: Israel over Palestine, 1983; The Obstruction of Peace: The U.S., Israel, and the Palestinians, 1995; Palestinian Refugees: The Right of Return, 2001. Contributor to books and scholarly journals. Address: Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, U.S.A. Online address:;