Arlington Road

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Arlington Road ★★½ 1999 (R)

The tranquility of surburban life is shattered for college professor Faraday (Bridges) when he suspects the picket fence and overly friendliness of new neighbor Lang (Robbins) is a cover for his right-wing terrorism. As Faraday slowly uncovers Lang's true identity, it becomes harder for him to convince friends to believe the conspiracy. Impressive nail-biter with an interesting twist has a solid performance from Bridges as the paranoid professor, and an eerie one from the otherwise affable Robbins. Director Pellington, with the aide of Badalamenti's haunting score maintains the film's objective of showing how evil can come from the most unlikely place. 119m/C VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc . Jeff Bridges, Tim Robbins, Joan Cusack, Hope Davis, Mason Gamble, Stanley Anderson, Robert Gossett, Spencer (Treat) Clark; D: Mark Pellington; W: Ehren Kruger; C: Bobby Bukowski; M: Angelo Badalamenti, Tomandandy.

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