Applewhite, James

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APPLEWHITE, James. American, b. 1935. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Duke University, professor of English and former director of Institute of the Arts. Publications: POETRY: War Summer: Poems, 1972; Statues of the Grass, 1975; Following Gravity, 1980; Forseeing the Journey, 1983; Ode to the Chinaberry Tree and Other Poems, 1986; River Writing: An Eno Journal, 1988; Lessons in Soaring, 1989; A History of the River: Poems, 1993; Daytime and Starlight, 1997; Quartet for Three Voices, 2002. OTHER: Seas and Inland Journeys: Landscape and Consciousness from Wordsworth to Roethke, 1985. Address: 606 November Dr, Durham, NC 27712, U.S.A. Online address:

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Applewhite, James

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