Antonucci, Francesco

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ANTONUCCI, Francesco

ANTONUCCI, Francesco. Italian, b. 1956. Genres: Food and Wine. Career: Worked as a chef for El Toula (restaurant chain), Italy; as a sous chef for Valentino Restaurant, Santa Monica, CA; has worked as a chef for DDL Foodshow; has worked as a chef for DDL Bistro, NYC; worked as an executive chef for Alo Alo Restaurant, NYC, until 1987; Remi Restaurant Inc., NYC, co-owner and chef, 1987-. Co-owner of Remi Restaurants in Santa Monica, 1990-, Mexico City, Mexico, 1993-, and Tel Aviv, Israel, 1994-. Delonghi, national spokesperson. Publications: (with F. Fabricant) Venetian Taste, 1994; Il Sapore della Memoria, trans. as The Art of Italian Regional Cooking, 1995. Address: Remi Restaurant Inc., 145 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, U.S.A. Online address:

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