Anglim, Christopher Thomas

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ANGLIM, Christopher Thomas

ANGLIM, Christopher Thomas. American/Irish, b. 1957. Genres: Librarianship, Bibliography, Law. Career: South Texas College of Law, Houston, government documents librarian and archivist, 1990-98; University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, law librarian, 1998-2000; St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX, consultant, 1998-2000, Sarita Kenedy East Law Library, professor and government documents librarian and archivist, 2000, Hispanic Governance Center, manager; Lee College, Baytown, TX, member of library staff, 1999-2000. Certified archivist; independent consultant and researcher. Worked in legal positions at Smith & Breecher, Scottsdale, AZ, Maricopa County Defender's Office, Arizona Attorney General's Office-Civil Division, Rice and Associates, Ostriecher & Vatz, and Pollock & More, all Phoenix, AZ, and Reynolds, Rhodes & Golston, Mesa, AZ; worked in library positions at Law Library of Winston & Strawn, Maricopa County Law Library, and City of Tempe Public Library. Publications: Special Collections Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines: A Model Plan for Special Collections, 1993; Special Collections at South Texas College of Law: An Annotated Catalog, 1994; Labor, Employment, and the Law: A Dictionary, 1997; Religion and the Law, 1999; Survey on Emergency Preparedness Planning, 2000; Joined in Common Enterprise, 2001. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Sarita Kenedy East Law Library, St. Mary's University, 1 Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228, U.S.A. Online address:

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