Amy 1998

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Amy ★★½ 1998

Quirky to say the least. Nine-year-old Amy (De Roma) has been an elective deaf-mute since witnessing the death of her rock star father Will (Barker), who was electrocuted during a concert. The only way Amy does communiate is through music—something discovered by luckless musician Robert (Mendelsohn). Meanwhile, Amy's bitter mom Tanya (Griffiths) is trying to avoid the welfare authorities who want to take charge of Amy's schooling and treatment. Uneasy mix of genres but the performance by child actress De Roma is remarkable. 103m/C VHS . AU Rachel Griffiths, Alana De Roma, Ben Mendelsohn, Nick Barker, Kerry Armstrong; D: Nadia Tass; W: David Parker; C: David Parker; M: Phil Judd.

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