Altmann, Simon L(eonardo)

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ALTMANN, Simon L(eonardo)

ALTMANN, Simon L(eonardo). British (born Argentina), b. 1924. Genres: Poetry, Philosophy, Physics, Sciences. Career: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, demonstrator, 1952, professor of chemical physics, 1957-58; Oxford University, research assistant at Mathematical Institute, 1953-57, lecturer in theory of metals, 1959-91, Brasenose College, fellow and lecturer in mathematical physics, 1964-91, vice-principal, 1990-91. University of Rome, lecturer, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1970, visiting professor, 1972, 1985; lecturer: Shell Research Laboratories (Amsterdam), 1963, UK Atomic Energy Authority (Harwell), 1966, University of Darmstadt, 1972, University of Perugia, 1982; visiting professor: University of Stockholm, 1972, Technische Hochschule (Vienna), 1975, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 1978, Johns Hopkins University, 1986, University of Vienna, 1992; Instituto Rocasolano (Madrid), British Council exchange visitor, 1976; University of Texas at Austin, distinguished lecturer, 1979; University of Zaragoza, visiting professor, 1979, visiting lecturer, 1991; Technical University of Vienna, guest professor, 1986; Catholic University of Louvain, Vlaamse Leergangen Professor, 1989-90. Publications: Band Theory of Metals: The Elements, 1970; Induced Representations in Crystals and Molecules: Point, Space, and Nongrid Molecule Groups, 1977; Rotations, Quaternions, and Double Groups, 1986; Band Theory of Solids, 1991; Icons and Symmetries, 1992; (with P. Herzig) Point-Group Theory Tables, 1994; Is Nature Supernatural?, 2002. Contributor to scientific journals and poetry publications. Address: Brase-nose College, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 4AJ, England. Online address:

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