Alt, Betty Sowers

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ALT, Betty Sowers

ALT, Betty Sowers. American, b. 1931. Genres: History, Sociology. Career: University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, instructor in sociology, 1989-95; University of Southern Colorado, instructor in sociology, 1991-; freelance writer. Lecturer at Hawaii Pacific College, Christopher Newport College, University of Maryland extension on Okinawa, and Auburn University at Montgomery. Publications: (with B.D. Stone) Uncle Sam's Brides, 1990; (with Stone) Campfollowing: A History of the Military Wife, 1991; (with S. Folts) Weeping Violins: The Gypsy Tragedy in Europe, 1996; (with W.K. Patterson) Slaughter in Cell House 3, 1997; (with S. Wells) Wicked Women, 2000; (with W. Alt) Black Soldiers-White Wars, 2002. Address: The Seymour Agency, 475 Miner St, Canton, NY 13617-9614, U.S.A. Online address:

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