Alleyne, Mervyn C.

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ALLEYNE, Mervyn C.

ALLEYNE, Mervyn C. Trinidadian, b. 1933. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Language/Linguistics. Career: University of West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, professor of sociolinguistics, 1960-2003; University of Puerto Rico, professor, 2003-. Publications: Les Noms des Vents en Gallo-Roman, 1962; Krio Language Training Manual, 1965; Comparative Afro-American: An Historical Comparative Study of English-Based Afro-American Dialects of the New World, 1980; Theoretical Issues in Caribbean Linguistics, 1984; Studies in Saramaccan Language Structure, 1987; The Roots of Jamaican Culture, 1988; Syntaxe Historique Creole, 1995; The Construction and Representation of Race and Ethnicity in the Caribbean and the World, 2002; The Folk Medicine of Jamaica, 2004. Address: Dept of English, College of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 7. Online address:

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Alleyne, Mervyn C.

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